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Anthropic has launched a mobile app with chatbot Claude - only on iOS for now (Android version will be released "soon")

Anthropic has launched a mobile app with chatbot Claude - only on iOS for now (Android version will be released "soon")
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The main competitor of ChatGPT was previously available on the Anthropic website and in third-party libraries such as Amazon Bedrock, Hugging Face, or Microsoft Azure — and now it has received a separate mobile application.

The Claude mobile app is currently only available on iOS devices, but Anthropic says that an Android version will be released "soon."

The application can function as a text chatbot, synchronize with web chats, and analyze images uploaded by you — and it is free for all users of Claude AI models, notes The Verge.

In May, Anthropic will also introduce a new Team plan, which will offer access to Claude models for a group of 5+ people at a price of $30 per month per seat. The Pro plan, released in September, is only available for individuals at $20 per month.

Team subscribers will have access to all Pro features, and additionally — a greater number of requests (for comparison, Pro users can already input 5 times more requests than free users), a larger contextual window, and support for "complex conversations."

Anthropic released the Claude 3 model family in March in three sizes: the medium-sized Claude Sonnet, the largest Claude Opus, and the smallest Claude Haiku. In September of last year, Amazon invested $4 billion in Anthropic.

The Claude app can now be downloaded for iPhone and iPad for free from the App Store.

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