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Musk is giving up his phone number and wants to be called through X - for just $8 a month

Musk is giving up his phone number and wants to be called through X - for just $8 a month
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Billionaire plans to "get rid of his phone number" in the next few months — instead he will rely solely on calls and messages on X.

"In a few months, I will discontinue my phone number and only use X for texts and audio/video calls," Musk wrote.

It seems that Elon is trying to attract more people to subscribe to X Premium for $8 a month by his own example: since all users can receive calls, but only premium users can make them.

The option for audio and video calls was activated on the platform in October.

As Gizmodo notes, giving up a phone number also raises security concerns. This relates specifically to confirmation codes via SMS used for two-factor authentication. X offers this option, as do many other social networks — once again, for paid users. Others can use authentication apps or security keys.

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