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British police posted a bizarre generated sketch of a suspect on X Twitter - users picked up candidates

British police posted a bizarre generated sketch of a suspect on X Twitter - users picked up candidates
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In the town of Tunbridge Wells near London, a burglar broke into the home of a 90-year-old resident. In order to find him, the Kent County Police released a computer-generated photofit image of the suspect. However, it seems that finding someone based on it will be difficult - nevertheless, X Twitter users already have several versions.

According to the police report, a witness claims to have heard the intruder upstairs after returning to their home. When she confronted him, he claimed to be a police officer before leaving empty-handed.


Those who saw the advertisement compared the likely burglar to a character from low-polygon computer and console games who entered the real world and is now hiding somewhere in the textures. Others speculated that the police have not updated their software since the 1990s, and some tried to look for the criminal among real people.

But the most similar to the photofit turned out to be Pete Buttigieg, the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, former Democratic Party presidential candidate, and the first openly gay person to hold this position.

Since Mr. Buttigieg's involvement in the crime is unlikely, the English police clearly need to work on their photofit technique.

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